Unique Age Calculator
28 calculations from your DOB for you or 20,000 celebrities
Life celebrations
Everyday you can find something to celebrate, even if it something small, it can make the day the special. We calculate our age in years. But what if we calculated it in different time units such as days or hours or even if we were born on a different planet or if we lived as an animal. It turns out celebrating a round age doesn't have to be just once a year.
For all fun celebrations, you can use our calcuation just have a look at some key life events table below. All milestone celebrations are calculated from age in days but for a better understanding it is also shown in chronological age. E.g. 10,000 days are displayed as 27 years 4 months 15 days (27y 4m 15d). Because not all months or years have the same number of days, results in chronological age can be slightly different to online age.calculator above which is very exact calculated from your date of birth.
1st year of life2nd year of life
3rd year of life
4th year of life
5th year of life
6th year of life
7th year of life
8th to 19thyear of life
Baby and preschool age 0 (from birth) to 5 years
The younger you are, the more often you can celebrate. This age is really great for celebrations. Babies and young children grow and change so quickly, but in comparison their birthday comes around very slowly. Why wait to have a party once a year when you can celebrate more often. You just need to to choose and then nothing is stopping you from having a small party throughout the year.
The first year of life
The birth of a baby is a huge event, the miracle of life. New born babies have the most celebrations. No-one even realises that an 11 day old baby is already a millionaire. Yes they celebrate reaching a million seconds, and that is no small thing. In that time, light from the Sun manages to travel through the solar system all the way to dwarf planet Pluto which is 3.7 billion miles (5.9 billion kilometers) away.
Or imagine ordering a cake with '50' on it. Of course it is going to be for marking out the first 50 days days of life. If you like these kind of jokes, you can celebrate the first year of your baby after 87 days (just under three months), needless to say this is not in Earth years but rather the first year on Mercury. You can definitely find more things to celebrate in the first year of life.
Never forget to celebrate the first half birthday. It is so popular, that you can find special cakes, cards and more stuff to buy.
1st Year - 16 special celebrations | ||
Age in days | Chronological age | Celebration |
6 | 6d | 10,000 minutes |
11 | 11d | 1 million seconds |
41 | 1m 10d | 1,000 hours |
50 | 1m 19d | 50 days |
69 | 2m 8d | 100,000 minutes |
70 | 2m 9d | 10 weeks |
87 | 2m 27d | 1st birthday on planet Mercury |
100 | 3m 8d | 100 days |
115 | 3m 23d | 10 mil. seconds |
146 | 4m 7d | 1st turtle age |
175 | 5m 22d | 2nd Mercury birthday |
183 | 6m 0d | 1st Half birthday |
208 | 6m 25d | 5,000 hours |
224 | 7m 10d | 1st Venus birthday |
263 | 8m 18d | 3rd Mercury birthday |
347 | 11m 11d | 500,000 hours |
The second year of life
Even after the magnificent first birthday party you don't need to wait a whole year for the next celebration. The second-year can be quite interesting as well.
It can be fun to celebrate 10,000 days, 500 days or a round 5 years on planet Mercury. Planet Mars is becoming more and more popular and an opportunity to commemorate the first Mars year. One day, thanks to Elon Musk maybe it will be common.
Also in the second year can be babies millionaires. For not it will be a great 1,000,000,minutes. Also, there will be an opportunity to have a cake with 100 - it will be in weeks.
And as always don't forget to prepare a party for half birthday!
2nd Year - 10 special celebrations | ||
Age in days | Chronological age | Celebration |
416 | 1y 1m 20d | 10,000 hours |
440 | 1y 2m 14d | 5th birthday on planet Mercury |
449 | 1y 2m 23d | 2 years on planet Venus |
500 | 1y 4m 13d | 500 days |
548 | 1y 6m 0d | 2nd Half birthday |
578 | 1y 6m 30d | 50 million seconds |
674 | 1y 10m 4d | 3rd birthday on Venus |
687 | 1y 10m 17d | 1st birthday on Mars |
694 | 1y 10m 24d | Millionaire! 1,000,000 minutes |
700 | 1y 10m 30d | 100 weeks |
The third year of life
For the third year, we chose fewer celebrations but for more, you can use the online calculator above. Apart from the traditional half birthday there is a magnificent 10,000 days to celebrate.
3rd Year - 4 special celebrations | ||
Age in days | Chronological age | Celebration |
833 | 2y 3m 11d | 20,000 hours |
880 | 2y 4m 28d | 10th birthday on planet Mercury |
913 | 2y 6m 0 | 3rd Half birthday |
1,000 | 2y 8m 26d | 1,000 days |
The fourth year of life
4th Year - 6 special celebrations | ||
Age in days | Chronological age | Celebration |
1,124 | 3y 0m 29d | 5th birthday on Venus |
1,157 | 3y 2m 1d | 100 million seconds |
1,279 | 3y 6m 0d | 4th Half birthday |
1,320 | 3y 7m 11d | 15th birthday on Mercury |
1,374 | 3y 9m 4d | 2nd birthday on Mars |
1,388 | 3y 9m 18 | 2 million minutes |
The fifth year of life
5thYear - 3 special celebrations | ||
Age in days | Chronological age | Celebration |
1,500 | 4y 1m 8d | 1,500 days |
1,644 | 4y 6m 0 | 5th Half birthday |
1,759 | 4y 9m 23d | 20th birthday on Mercury |
The sixth year of life
6thYear - 5 special celebrations | ||
Age in days | Chronological age | Celebration |
2,000 | 5y 5m 21d | 2,000 days |
2,009 | 5y 6m 0 | 6th Half birthday |
2,061 | 5y 7m 21d | 20th birthday on Mercury |
2,083 | 5y 8m 13d | 3 million minutes or 50,000 hours |
The seventh year of life
7thYear - 5 special celebrations | ||
Age in days | Chronological age | Celebration |
2,199 | 6y 0m 8d | 25th birthday on Mercury |
2,247 | 6y 1m 25d | 10th birthday on Venus |
2,314 | 6y 4m 1d | 200 million seconds |
2,374 | 6y 6m 0 | 6th Half birthday |
2,500 | 6y 10m 4d | 2,500 days |
The eighth to ninetheenth year of life
Age in days | Chronological age | Celebration |
8th Year | ||
2,639 days | 7y 2m 22d | 30th birthday on Mercury |
9th Year | ||
3,000 days | 8y 2m 17d | 3.000 days |
3,079d | 8y 5m 4d | 35th birthday on Mercury |
10th Year | ||
3.371d | 9y 2m 23d | 15th birthday on Venus |
3,435d | 9y 4m 26d | 5th birthday on Mars |
3,472 | 9y 6m 2d | 5 million minutes or 300 million seconds |
3,519 | 9y 7m 18d | 40th birthday on Mercury |
11th Year | ||
3,959 | 10y 10m 2d | 45th birthday on Mercury |
12th Year | ||
4,166 | 11y 4m 27d | 100,000 hours or 6 million minutes |
4,335 | 11y 10m 13d | 1st birthday on platen Jupiter |
13th Year | ||
4,398 | 12y 0m 15d | 50th birthday on Mercury |
4,494 | 12y 3m 19d | 20th birthday on Venus | 14th Year |
4,809 | 13y 2m 0d | 7th birthday on Mars |
4,166 | 13y 8m 8d | 5,000 days | 15th Year |
5,278 | 14y 5m 13d | 60th birthday on Mercury | 16th Year |
5,496 | 15y 0m 18d | 8th birthday on Mars |
5,618 | 15y 4m 18d | 25th birthday on Venus |
5,787 | 13y 10m 4d | 500 milion seconds | 17th Year |
6,158 | 16y 10m 9d | 70th birthday on Mercury | 18th Year |
6,250 | 17y 1m 10d | 150,000 hours | 19th Year |
6,741 | 18y 5m 14d | 30th birthday on Venus |
6,870 | 18y 9m 21d | 10th birthday on Mars |